Tag Archives: outdoor sports photography lighting technique

Outdoor Photography Lighting Technique No. 2

Outdoor Photography Lighting Technique No. 2: Leverage Natural Reflection

In the previous post I discussed reflectors. A key distinction between manipulated reflection, which I call redirection, and ordinary reflection is that the former can be aimed. Simple reflection doesn’t have much versatility, but should never be overlooked as a useful agent. Reflection occurs naturally off any light-colored object, such as sand, snow, water, white walls and the like. The problem is that it seldom reaches the subject in a flattering manner.

So it is up to the photographer to realize it is there in the first place, and then devise a way to harness it. Be sensitive to the fact that whenever a large bright surface is near your subject, there is sure to be reflection. Look for it and then work it into your picture by moving the subject or source around until you can take advantage of it.

In this image, I modified naturally reflecting light from Lake Michigan with a mirror lens.